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The Dashboard gives you a snapshot overview of how effective your marketing campaigns are, as well as how incoming calls are handled. The date range can be adjusted to hone into a specific period.
We've selected the stats used most by clients to help you see how your business is performing all at a glance. This doc will show the breakout and description of each statistic.
This is a count of users that have come to any page of your website
Inbound Calls:
Count of calls that came into your business through static tracking lines or DNI lines
Count of inbound calls that were marked as prospect scenario
This is the total inbound calls that had an appointment booked on the initial call
This is a count of calls that were sent as an alert through DealerSaver processing
This is a count of text messages that occurred on your tracking lines
Outbound Calls:
Count of outbound calls that were made by your team
This is a count of chats that came in from your website
Webform Submissions:
This is a count of forms that were submitted on your website
Employee Name:
Name of the top 8 employees who handled calls in this time period
Appointment Conversion:
This is a calculation that shows the rate at which the call handler is converting sales lead calls into booked appointments (Appts Set / Bookable Calls)
Total Calls:
This is a count of inbound alls that were handled by the employee
Appointment Offered:
This is a calculation that shows how frequently the call handler is attempting to set the appointments (Appts Attempted / Bookable Calls)
Appointment Made
Count of calls where an appointment was set
This is a count of calls that were sent as an alert through DealSaver processing
Where your traffic came from (eg. Google, Facebook, individual website)
This is a count of chats that occurred from your website
This is a count of forms that were submitted on your website
This is a count of text messages that occured on your tracking lines
Count of calls that came in to your business through static tracking linese or DNI lines
Sales Prospects:
Count of inbounds calls that were markeds as sales prospect scenario
Service Prospects:
Count of inbound calls that were marked as a service prospect scenario
Parts Prospect:
Count of inbound calls that were marked as a parts prospect scenario
Appointments Made
Count of calls where an appointment was set
This is a count of calls that were sent as an alert throught DealSaver processing