Call Details
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Displays the specific details of each call. This report can be customized by using the filter options at the top. Further customization exists by selecting the columns you wish to display. This report can also be scheduled for delivery or exported as an Excel file.
When pulling the Call Details report, it will default to the columns below:
If call recording is active, the audio of the call will show on this report
Time of Call:
This is the date and time the call came in based on the report viewer’s time zone
Caller ID:
This is the caller’s phone number
Caller Name:
This is the name that is associated to the caller’s phone number
This is the phone number that the caller dialed
This is the tag that the LeadScore processor associated with the call (eg. Curren Customer, One-Time Service, etc)
This is how long the call lasted
Campaign Name:
This is the name associated to the campaign that the call originated from
This is the connection status of the call (eg. Connected, No Answer, Abandoned, Busy, etc)
The date range can be adjusted by clicking on the date range at the top right of the report
Pre Selected dates include Today, Yesterday, This Month and Last Month.
Clicking on “Custom Range” opens a calendar selector to click on custom date ranges.
On the top of the page, below the header, there will be two action items, one for Select Columns and one for Data Export.
Clicking on the data export button will export the file as an excel file.
You can customize which columns of information show up on your report by clicking “Select Columns.”.
The light blue shade will indicate columns that are already active on the report.
Darker blue will show columns that aren’t yet active. Clicking that item will then allow that column to show up on the report.
The Call Details report has filters built into the page that can better help narrow down the data set you’re looking for.
Clicking on either of these will drive the filter panel to slide out on the right-hand side of the screen.
The filters panel includes a few different sections where you can select different data sets:
If the filter page is activated, the date range picker will move into the filter page.
In this section, you will be able to see all groups and locations that you have access to.
You can expand groups to see the locations/subgroups underneath, and any locations or groups you select will be included in the data set. You can check or uncheck boxes as needed.
The referral section lets you filter the report by the referral source.
The options for this section are:
The referral section lets you filter the report by the referral source.
The options for this section are:
Connected: The call connected to the end target
No Answer: The phone call wasn’t answered
Abandoned: The caller hung up before a couple of rings
Busy: a busy signal was detected on the call
The Connected Type section allows you to filter data by the LeadScore Category. This will let you redefine the calls to filter out ones that may not be ‘true’ leads. Options for this section:
Hang ups
Wrong Department
The Department section allows you to filter out calls by the department that is selected by processors in LeadScore. These departments will vary by industry. **only for locations with LeadScore
An example of Automotive Departments:
Body Shop
Oil Change
Call Types are the different categories assigned in LeadScore. This section allows you to filter out by different categories so you only see calls pertaining to the type of lead you’re looking for.
NOTE: Call types will vary by industry, and is only for locations with LeadScore
Examplease of Call Types:
Current Customer
The Tags section allows you to filter out the report by tags that you have set up for different campaigns
If a tag has been set at the campaign level, and the tag is selected in this filter, then the data for that campaign will appear on the report. See Tags for more info.
At the bottom of the filter page are two checkboxes that can filter the report out by appointments or alerts. Checking these boxes will make it so that only calls that are either an appointment set, or were a missed opportunity will show on the report. (Checking both will show both). **only for locations with DealSaver
When you’ve selected all the filters needed, you can either click “Clear” to return to defaults or “Apply to apply the changes and go back to the report with the filters selected.
The report can be scheduled by selecting the clock icon found at the top right of the report (next to the date range picker).
A new modal “Report Scheduler” will open with the scheduling options:
Report name: The name of the report to easily identify it in the list of your reports.
Timezone: What timezone you’d like the report to run in
Report Timeframe:
Daily: A report comes every morning
Prior Week: A report is delivered on Monday morning with all data from the prior week (Mon-Sun)
Month To Date: A daily report including data for the whole month up to the prior day.
Prior Month: A report delivered on the 1st of each month with data from the prior month.
Recipients: Include up to 5 email addresses that should receive the report.
Click Close to exit out without saving, or click “Schedule Report” to save with the information provided.
NOTE: An error will be shown if either Report Name or Recipients are blank
You can open the filters panel by either clicking: on the left of the pageor on the right of the page