
Tags were created to allow more granularity when it comes to campaign reporting. Adding tags to campaigns will allow a user to better see different groupings in reporting and within their CRM if data is pushed. For Example, a user can add “Region” as a tag to campaigns, then specify which region that campaign belongs to. Eventually, they will be able to pull reports using a specific tag to see only campaigns with that corresponding data.


  • Navigate to Manage Groups under Administration on the navigation panel.

  • Under Manage Groups, search for the highest level group you’d like to assign a tag to.

  • Click on the Tags tab to get started

Simply add the name of the tag you would like to have assigned to the group. Once a tag has been added to the group, it will be available for selection on all campaigns under any sub-group or location under that group.

Once a tag is added, it will show the tag name and if active or not. Active means it is currently being used in a campaign.

A tag can be deleted only if it isn’t being used in a campaign. If active, the delete button is not available.

NOTE: Special Characters can be used for tag names


Once a tag has been created for a group, it can now be assigned at the campaign level

Click on Manage Locations back on the navigation panel and search the location you want to create a campaign for.

Click on Edit location and choose the Campaigns tab

Either select an existing campaign and click “Edit”, or click on “New Campaign”

Tags are in the first step of the creation wizard. Click “Add Tag” and two new boxes will appear.

The dropdown will contain all the tags that were added at the group level, and the “Value” is the value you’d like to assign to that tag.

For example, a tag added could be “Region” and for this campaign, you would add “South” as the value. This means that this campaign will now be looped in with other campaigns that also have a value for “South” in the Region tag.

Multiple tags can be added to a campaign (up to 5). If you click on the “+” next to a tag, it will populate a new level to add another tag.

Tags can only be used once per campaign. Once a tag is selected, it disappears from the list and can’t be selected for the next tag


Once tags have been set up and added to a campaign(s), they can be added to webhooks.

When adding a new webhook, you can add a parameter for “tags” that will populate the chosen campaign tags when a webhook is sent.

When the parameter is added, the new tags section will appear



"callid": "e43e1537.bd94.a189.f813.2388d19e201a",

"answered_time": "20",

"dialstatus": "ANSWER",

"tracking": "7771000492",

"ani": "3126015000",

"call_start_time": "2021-11-08 19:58:43",

"call_end_time": "2021-11-08 19:59:43",

"target": "2069026645",

"domain_name": "qaemailtest.com",

"campaign_name": "call treatment",

"rec_audiourl": "https://audio.autoid.com/MP3/202111/e43e1537.bd94.a189.f813.2388d19e201a.mp3",



"region”: "South",

“State”: “California”



Last updated