Call Treatments
Call Treatments were created to handle more complex routing schemes and campaign setups. A user can create Call Treatments to set up any number of custom routing requests by clients.
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Call Treatments were created to handle more complex routing schemes and campaign setups. A user can create Call Treatments to set up any number of custom routing requests by clients.
Last updated
Ring Number:
Ring to the number or SIP Trunk
Call Menu:
Create a custom call routing menu (IVR)
Play Audio:
Play an audio file (like consumer greeting or custom disclaimer)
Create a time schedule (for regular TOD routing or custom time schedules for other treatments)
Simultaneous Ring:
Ring multiple phones at once
Overflow Routing:
Send a call to an alternate number if the call isn’t answered
Text Message:
Send a text message to the caller
Send a webhooks to an integrated party after certain actions
To set up a Call Treatment go to Call Treatments tab under Edit Location and select “Create Call Treatment.”
Each option represents an action that can be taken during a call. See the end of this section for examples with multiple routing options.
Ring number is the simple act of routing a call to a single destination.
Designate which Ring Number the treatment should route to.
Additional treatments can be added to the end if Post Treatment Conditions are implemented (see Post Treatment Conditions for more details)
To set up an Interactive Voice Responce (IVR) select “Call Menu” from the list of items in Call Treatment. This is used for extension routing. A caller can enter a number on the keypad to be routed to a specific location
Assign an audio file to this IVR. You Can do this by either:
Selecting an audio file from a menu of audios already available for that location, or
Uploading a new audio file. Click the “Manage” button and a new modal will appear that allows a user to upload an audio file.
2. Enter the menu input number (the number the caller will select) and the description. A common example would be “1” for input number, and “Sales” for the description.
3. Additional menu items can be added by selecting the “+” sign by the description input (and “-” to remove)
4. There is no limit to how many menu items you can have
Note: A blue highlight show what extension you are working on
5. For each input, the user will then specify what the next action is (See other actions for more details on items)
6. The most common scenario will be “Ring Number.” The caller presses an input and will be routed directly to the number specified in the Treatment setup. **Notice that in the setup, the gray arrows will indicate what action the caller took to get to that part of the menu.
7. The IVR menu also has a “Default” option (below the input values). A user will specify what happens when a caller falls outside of the input values. Example: A caller pushes “0” but there is no 0 in the input fields. They will be routed instead to the default routing.
NOTE: If no default is set up, the call will hang up if the caller selects an incorrect input or does nothing.
An audio file can be played at any point in the treatment. The audio can either be selected from the list or uploaded directly from this page.
If an audio file has already been uploaded into the system for this location, it will be available in the drop-down for selection.
If the audio isn’t easily found, click on Manage and a modal will pop up.
The modal will default to “List Audio” which shows all the available audio files. You can listen to the different files to find the right one.
If the audio file needed still isn’t available, click “Upload Audio”
Click the gray arrow to edit which groups the audio will be available to
Audio Description: Add a name to the audio file
Upload: Select the file for upload
Select "Save" to save the new audio, or cancel to exit the modal
Once the audio is selected, any of the other treatments can be applied.
Click save when completed.
If a client would like to have the phone ring to different numbers at different times of day, they can set up Time of Day Routing by using the “Schedule” option.
NOTE: The time zone must be set up at the location level in order for the Scheduling to work. (Go to "Settings" and set "Location Timezone"
There are 3 main options for adding schedules:
Add Schedule: A group of times of day that will ring to a target. Multiple schedules can be added if the business needs to ring multiple after-hours phone lines, or if the business wants additional treatment actions during specific times. Example: A business wants to set up an IVR during their lunchtime, however, they want the phones to ring to an after-hours number on the weekends.
Add Times of the day: In a schedule, there can be multiple time of day routings. Example: If a business has an after-hours line, a schedule can be created so that after-hours during the week, and all day on the weekend, the phone rings to an after-hours line.
Select the time period to route: Any day Mon-Sun, Weekends, or Weekdays
Select if routing will be between certain times or All Day
If between is selected, select the begin and end times the routing will occur (these do not appear when All Day is selected)
Default Option: An option can be created that will allow a caller to be routed to a specific line if they fall outside of the scheduled times. Example: A business has set up after-hours routing to go to an after-hours call center but they would like to default it so that the number dials their mainline outside of the special time of day routing.
Sim Ring allows the phone to ring to multiple endpoints at the same time. A caller will call a number, and the phone numbers specified will all ring at the same time until someone answers the phone.
The first person to answer the phone gets the call, and the phones stop ringing once answered.
If a client would like to have the phone ring to additional numbers after a certain amount of time, they can set up overflow routing.
Overflow routing is determined in seconds.
Name: Create a name for the overflow treatment
Enter in the number of seconds before a call will overflow. Each overflow can have a different amount of seconds, the default will be 5
Enter in the target number (regular or SIP target) that the calls will overflow to
Click Save once completed
Within the Call Flow, you can set up text messages to be sent to the calling party.
To set up a text message, click on 'Text Message' from the menu and then type in what message you would like automatically sent to the caller.
To set up a Webhook- first, create one under the Webhook Management tab.
Once a webhook has been created, it will be available in the Group for selection.
Go to the Call Treatments tab.
Select “Webhook”
Then select the Webhook you had just created.
Then choose when the “Webhook” will be sent.
Then select “Save” and you can now add it to a campaign or create new campaigns with these Call Treatments.
After a ring to number is selected (in any Call Treatment), a user can specify what happens after a call is routed. A drop-down will show different scenarios where different actions can be applied.
This can be as simple as, end the treatment, and as complex as adding multiple layers of actions after the ring-to number.
A simple example would be to select “When the call is complete”, then the user can specify the treatment is Done.
A more complex example would be if the user selects “When Target Doesn’t Answer,” play an audio file, send a webhook, then Done. This can be customized up to multiple layers.
On the Call Treatment screen (Call Treatment Management), you have two actions:
DELETE: Click on the trash icon next to the treatment you wish to delete permanently
EDIT: Click on the pencil icon next to the treatment you wish to edit. (A trash can will also appear and allow you to remove the Call Treatment, however, the trash can is not available for any Call Treatments currently in use)
Once you click on the pencil icon, you will be taken to the Call Treatment screen to add/edit/update as needed.